until this cold ends, and the spring comes again, and until the flowers bloom again.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

You know what's cute?

"You know what's cute? When two people aren't officially together but still call each other babe or other nicknames. When they still claim he/she is mine. They act like a couple, they're not together but they're talking. They're together at heart, you know? It's so adorable, seeing people be so in love or like each other so much. Seeing them adore each other's presence. Not officially together, but eventually will be."

We're gonna get through this. It's hard sometimes, but it's worth in the end
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Waktu Aku Sama Mika halaman 65

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2006 @22:01 WIB
Tanpa Syarat

Mika ajarkan aku tentang cinta tanpa syarat.
Cinta tidak perlu berbalas. Tidak perlu pamrih.

Kalian mau tahu buktinya?

Mika selalu bilang, dia sayang sekali sama aku.
Tapi Mika tidak pernah tanya, aku sayang dia atau tidak . . .
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